Mr. Akiba Tadatoshi
Mayor of Hiroshima

Hiroshima has constantly appealed for the abolition of nuclear weapons and establishment of eternal peace in the world, based on its experience of the first A-Bombing in human history. Nevertheless, with the cycle of hatred, violence and retaliation still continuing in many parts of the world, this planet is loaded with a large number of nuclear weapons and even the danger of their use is growing. Given this situation, it is significant that the Japan Council against A & H Bombs has launched the signature campaign calling for the Swift abolition of nuclear weapons”. I would like to express my deep respect for your initiative. It is my sincere hope that you will continue to work hard and take actions together with us to achieve the abolition of nuclear weapons and everlasting world peace. (Translated by Gensuikyo)

Mr. Ito Iccho
Mayor of Nagasaki

It is none other than the power of citizens and grass roots movements all over the world that can change the course of international community. Let us work together to achieve the elimination of nuclear weapons without any further delay, working in solidarity and cooperation with the people and NGOs in all corners of the globe. (Translated by Gensuikyo)