2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs (online)

Main Theme
"With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World - for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet"
Schedule & Program
International Meeting, 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs
Watch the whole proceeding on YouTube (in original languages)
August 2 (Sun): 10:00-12:30 (JST)
Opening Session
Session I:Cooperation for the abolition of nuclear weapons, survival of humanity, peace and justice in the world:
- Joseph Gerson, President, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, U.S.A.
- Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K.
- Oleg Bodrov, Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland, Russia
- Reiner Braun, Executive Director, International Peace Bureau
- Yasui Masakazu, Secretary General, Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo)
Session II: A nuclear-free, peaceful Asia and the role of Japan as the A-bombed country
- Yayoi Tsuchida, Assistant Secretary General, Gensuikyo, Japan
- Lee Jun Kyu, Senior Researcher, Institute for Unification and Peace Policy, Hanshin University, ROK
- Dong Huy Cuong, Secretary General, Vietnam Peace Committee
- Anuradha Chenoy, Asia-Europe People’s Forum, India
Closing Session:
World Conference - Hiroshima Day Rally
YouTube recording of Hiroshima Day Rally (in original languages)
August 6 (Thur): 10:00-12:30 (JST)
Guest speakers
Session I: Global Cooperation for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World
- Pedro Arrojo, Former Parliament member, Podemos, Spain / (Video)
- Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons / (Video)
- Nakano Koichi, Co-Convener, Civil Alliance for Peace and Constitutionalism, Japan
- Yasuda Natsuki, photo journalist, Japan
- Cultural program/ Mini-concert
Session II: Grass-roots Activism across the World
- Summary of the 2020 Nationwide Peace March (Video)
- George Friday, National Board member, Peace Action, U.S.A.
- Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K.
- Yano Ayako, Aichi medical care workers’ union, Japan
- Hirano Emiko, New Japan Women’s Association
- Kanno Soji, Iwate Gensuikyo
- Inaba Minako, Youth Section, National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren), Japan Appeal from Hiroshima
World Conference – Nagasaki Day Rally
YouTube recording of Nagasaki Day Rally (in original languages)
August 9 (Sun): 10:00-12:30 (JST)
Guest speakers
Session I: Global Cooperation for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World
- Carlos Umaña, Acting Regional Vice President for Latin America, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) / (Video)
- Ray Acheson, Director, Reaching Critical Will/ Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) / (Video)
- Philip Jennings, Co-President, International Peace Bureau (IPB) & Announcement of the 2020 Sean MacBride Peace Prize to the “International Hibakusha Appeal Signature Campaign”
- Tanaka Terumi on receiving the Sean MacBride Peace Prize
- Takemoto Masahiro, Environmentalist, Japan
- Yoshiwara Tsuyoshi, Federation of Promotion of Zero-Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy, Japan
- Cultural program/ Mini-concert
Session II: Grass-roots Activism across the World
Special Forums organized by the Organizing Committee (Aug. 3-5)
(1) Supporting the Hibakusha, inheriting and disseminating their storiesAugust 5 (Wed): 10:00 – 12:00 (JST) YouTube recording available here: - Summary of the discussion by Miyazawa Yoko, Japanese Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions (Min-Iren)
(2) Solidarity with Okinawa and dismantling of foreign military basesAugust 4 (Tue): 10:00 – 12:00 (JST) YouTube recording available here: - Senaga Kazuo (Okinawa United Action Liaison Council - Toitsuren) - Corazon Fabros (Nuclear-Free Philippines Coalition, the Philippines) - Monaeka Flores (Prutehi Litekyan: Save Ritidian, Guam) / (PPT File) - Choi Sung-Hee, (Gangjeong Peace Network, ROK) - Kristine Karch (No to war – no to Nato, Germany)
(3) Solidarity with the Hibakusha and Agent Orange/dioxin victimsAugust 3 (Mon): 15:00 – 17:00 (JST) YouTube recording available here: - Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Rinh, President of The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin ( VAVA) - Long-term Consequences of Agent Orange/ Dioxin in Vietnam: by Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huong and Pham Truong - Concluding remarks by Hiroshi Taka, Japan Council against A and H Bombs
(4) A nuclear-free, peaceful Northeast Asia and the role of peace movementsAugust 4 (Tue): 14:00 – 16:00 (JST) YouTube recording available here: - Summary of the discussion by Kajimoto Shushi, Hyogo Council against A and H Bombs
Associated events (self-organized)
Scientists Forum of the 2020 World Conference in Fukui (online)
August 2 (Sun): 13:00-15:30
Ring! Link! Zero 2020 (young people’s assembly-online)
August 2 (Sun): 14:30 – 16:30 (JST)
No Nukes! Women’s Forum 2020 - online
August 8 (Sat): 13:30 – 15:00 (JST)
Peace Wave Forum of Min-Iren (Japan Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions)
August 8 (Sat): 15:00-17:00 (JST)
2020 Teachers’ Peace Forum - Deepening 75th anniversary World Conference for future--
August 2 (Sun) and 9 (Sun): 18:00-20:00 (JST)
The 47th High School Students Peace Forum - online
August 9 (Sun): 14:00-16:00
We welcome your planned events/actions and connecting them with the World Conference.
Peace Wave International Joint Actions:
We call on you to organize creative and diversified “Peace Wave” international joint actions all over the world on August 6 – 9, 2020, making the abolition of nuclear weapons the common objective and the signature campaign in support of the “Appeal of the Hibakusha” for the elimination of nuclear weapons a common form of activities. In Japan, we will symbolically start actions with silent prayer at 8:15am of Aug. 6 and end them with silent prayer at 11:02am of Aug. 9.
For details: http://www.antiatom.org/english/world_conference/peacewave.html
Adopted Documents
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